Monday, June 27, 2011

Tina Anderson's Victim Impact Statement

This statement has been saved as jpg images to prevent the alteration of any words. It is posted here exactly as it was submitted to the NH Superior Court for the trial of Ernest Willis. Tina read her statement on the last day of the trial in the courtroom while Willis sat impassively and showed absolutely no emotion.

I post this with her permission so her supporters can hear her heart as I did on May 27, 2011.

Tina Anderson Victim Impact Statement


  1. Thank you for sharing this with us on the fb support page, a lot of us have had Tina on our minds and in our prayers. It's a blessing that she's taking a stand to get some justice after all this time.

  2. I sobbed through this in May, and sobbed again as I read it, hearing Tina's cracking voice and tears in my minds eye. I am so very proud of the courage she displayed throughout the last year and the courage she continues to display by making such private thoughts and hurts open for others.

    You are loved Tina, and often in my thoughts and prayers. The strength you displayed is far reaching. You are an incredible woman!

  3. Tina I'm so sorry for what you experienced. My heart broke as I read your words. I hope the judge considers all of this when sentencing your rapist.
    Karen Young

  4. Tina, you are a wonderful person. I pray for you and your family daily. You are a survivor!! You are victorious! You are overcoming obstacles! Hold your head up high and be proud of who you are. You are courageous! Beautiful!
